WHAT IS SHANKH (CONCH)? BENEFITS OF SHANKH (CONCH) SOUND A Shankh (conch) is a natural cover/wrapper of an oceanic worm/creature that protect him from the out side attacks/dangers, and when the worm grows up he come out from it and he throw away it forever. Types of Shankh (Conch) There are a lot of more types of SHANKHA but these two are the main types of SHANKHA. SPRIPTUAL IMPORTANCE SHANKHA is one of the 14 gems (RATNA) received from churning sea (SAMUNDRA MANTHAN.) SHANKHA’s sound is a symbol of victory in VEDAS SHANKHA produces the sound of OM. Dakshinavarti Shankha (दक्षिणावर्ती शंख): The Shankha that is open from right side is known as “Dakshinavarti Shankha” Shankha …..!! It is rare, white in color and contains brown line on it. Vamavarti Shankha (वामावर्ती शंख): It opens from left side that’s why it is called Vamavarti; it is used in all the religious activities. Astrologers recommend this SHANKHA to remove the negative energy. श्रीमद् भगवद्...
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